Submit a systematically structured startup plan of 10-20 pages (including appendices) before the competition deadline. The document must be in English. Complete all sections with as much detail as is available.​
We encourage you to use what you have i.e. PowerPoint presentation, Word document, etc., as long as it contains the relevant information.
Audience: make your document compelling and convincing for investors. This is not an academic paper.
Don’t be concerned if your data is not a hundred percent complete, this is an opportunity to learn and develop your startup plan. Our experienced jurors will still be able to evaluate your startup plan even if some parts are incomplete or missing, and you will benefit from their feedback in order to develop your plan further.
Use data, figures, diagrams to illustrate a point rather than narrative and long text if possible.
The best indicator of the solidity of your startup is feedback of your customers/target group - try to get as much as possible through surveys, tests or interviews.
Show your progress where possible with e.g. signed LOIs, implementation planning, paid pilots, sales, financing secured, key hires etc
Key dates & events
Please save the following important dates in your calendar so that you can make sure you are available to participate in person should you become a finalist and winner.